Even with the difficulty in the spit up problem, Madeline continues to be as fun as ever. We all love it when we get a few giggles out of her. She has also started to grab her legs and toes when she is laying on her back. It is the cutest thing ever. She is such a mover and has started to roll from side to side. At first I was so excited for this new development until I realized that I couldn't put her in her papoose sleeper at night. It made me sad to put her to bed at night without any blankets so I bought her a blanket sleeper and she loves it. She continues to be a great sleeper sleeping 9-10 hrs and then another 2 after I feed her in the early morning before waking up for the day. Instead of waking up crying she actually wakes up happy. The other kids love it when they can go into her room to "wake her up."
Madeline continues to grow and change all the time. She LOVES to suck on her fingers and has discovered her thumbs. She is definitely teething and has finally taken an interest in her pink teething ring. Sometimes when she is tired I will find that she spits out the pacifier and sucks on her thumb instead. She usually favors the right thumb. It is cute. I will still encourage the pacifier over the thumb but for now I'm thankful she can self soothe with her thumb if she doesn't have the pacifier.
Madeline finally figured out how to roll onto her tummy and back over to her back this month. She sleeps primarily on her side and tummy now. At first it made me nervous to let her sleep on her tummy but after realizing she could roll back onto her back I was somewhat relieved. She is a GREAT sleeper and naps so well during the day. I am so glad that I have been diligent about getting her into a good routine because now all I do to put her to bed is give her a big hug, lay her down, give her the pacifier, play her music bunny, and walk out. It really has been that simple.
The hanging toys have become a new adventure for Madeline. She loves to swat at the toys on the bar above the LEAF and the animals hanging on her play mat. Her favorite animal to grab is the whale. She will play laying flat on her mat but she definitely prefers to sit up and play. Since she can't sit up on her own I will either hold her up or lean her against the poppy pillow so she is propped up and can play.
Madeline is such a joy and we just can't get enough of her cuteness. There isn't a day that goes by that the kids don't say, "She is just the cutest thing ever." We were looking at everyone's baby photos and videos and everyone concluded that Madeline is the cutest baby of them all (their words, not mine).
This month's FIRSTS:
Airplane ride
Sleeping on her tummy