Mike, Emma, Madeline and I got to celebrate Abby’s 5th grade graduation with her on the last day of school. It was so fun to watch all the kids march into the gym with upbeat music playing in the background. After a few remarks from their principal, Mrs. Hooper, the entire 5th grade sang “Best Day of My Life,” by American Authors. They sounded really good. Then they called each of the kids down one by one to get their ES completion certificates. Luckily, they did them by classes, so Abby wasn’t the last one to be called. I loved watching Abby’s excitement when she received her certificate from her teacher, Mrs. Lynch. You could just tell that they had a great relationship. Abby had excellent teachers at Mountain View, but Mrs. Lynch was definitely her favorite teacher. After that the kids got their certificates, they threw their class hats in the air and then sat down so we could all enjoy the cute slideshow, with pictures of the kids throughout elementary school and baby photos of each of them. Afterwards we all enjoyed cupcakes and lots of hugs and congratulations from friends and teachers.
Abby and her closest friends spent much of the last few months fundraising at her school so that they could buy trees to plant on the school grounds. They gave presentations in front of the entire school and had posters throughout the school explaining their project to help beautify the outside of the school. They ended up raising almost $200. With the money they raised at school and the help of some of us parents, they were able to buy 2 really great trees. All the girls met early at school to watch the trees be planted in the ground. They even gave the trees names. It was fun to watch all their hard work pay off and to be able to contribute to improving the school grounds.
Abby had her very last elementary school field day and had a blast running in the relays with her friends and classmates. The relays consisted of running only, running and jumping over tiny hurdles, and running while pushing a tire. The tire race was hilarious to watch. Although she had a great time doing the relay racing, the highlight of every field day is definitely the tug of war. Each grade has their own competitions. Abby’s 5th grade class won the tug of war twice and lost three times. Oh, how I will miss watching Abby have fun at field day with her friends.
Abby participated in the ES musical again and was thrilled when she got a speaking part. She was cast as Ms. Smythe, the bank chairman’s secretary. Even though she only had one real speaking part she was beyond excited to be a part of the Mary Poppins Jr. musical where she got to sing and act with many of her friends who were also in the play. It was such a joy to watch her devotion to not only the mandatory rehearsals but also her commitment to practice at home. All of the kids did such a great job in all of their performances. I was fortunate enough to watch the daytime performance with Emma and Madeline where I got to take photos again for the parents. Then Mike and I enjoyed the evening show together. We are so proud of Abby for putting herself out there to participate in these amazing musicals that her ES puts on every year.
It is always so much fun to pop over to the elementary school to see a little bit of field day. My favorite events to watch are the tug-o-war and the dashes and relays. This year Mike was working close to home so he was able to come and see Abby at the tug-o-war with Madeline and me. Abby’s class won a few times but it was the other class with the really big kids that ended up winning the entire thing. Madeline and I came back after lunch to watch Abby run in a few of the dashes. Abby had so much fun showing off Madeline to her friends and just being social.
May 2024