(Written by Emma)
The first day I got to the camp was a Sunday and we all went out on ran as soon as I got there. It was an easy run through the French Gulch Road trail. We also ran through a suburban neighborhood and kind of got lost. A few girls including Kira and myself accidentally came up through somebody's backyard. We did strides after then went inside. I shared a bed with Kira, and we let the non-natives get their own bed. As we all headed towards the bathroom to take a shower, we soon realized that the water pressure was broken and couldn't be fixed until the next week, so we headed to the recreation center to take showers. On Monday we ran hill repeats in the morning near Rainbow Lake. It was awful. For our afternoon workout we walked around Breckenridge and then did a 3-mile run along the Blue River. Our evening activity was spent playing barefoot soccer. Back at the house there was a pool table and we had fun playing pool at night. On Tuesday, we took the gondola up to the Peak 2 Peak trail and ran 8-9 miles. This was my favorite trail as it ran across Breckenridge. After we ran on that we headed towards a lake where we hung out. We played beach volleyball and then went and got ice-cream. On Wednesday, we did a small run around a lake that was pretty boring. Then we played beach volleyball again despite the lightning that was like 5 miles away. We left pretty soon after that. We were supposed to do the Summit Trail Running Series but because of the rain it was cancelled. We still ran it though but just with our group and I got lost and couldn't breathe due to my asthma, so everyone came looking for me. That sucked. That night we watched Olympic rowing and got cookies from a local bakery. On Thursday and Friday, we did long runs at Leadville Twin Lakes and Horseshoe Gulch. Saturday was our last day and we did a prediction run. I got pretty close to my time and was one of the first ones to choose some swag from the table. I choose a useless headband and I don't know why. Our coaches were Emily, Cal, and Thomas. We also had coach Lisa which is who I rode with the whole time. It was funny because her side door was broken and that became a running joke for the whole camp. We also had a kid from Alabama who couldn't stop falling on the trails and so that was pretty funny as well. It was overall a really fun experience and I'm grateful that I could participate in Kokopelli XC camp this summer.
(Written by Emma) |
May 2024