Emma got the coolest Promposal poster from Riah. All any girl wants is to be asked to Prom. | Abby had a great performance for her Theatre class where she dressed up as Chuck, the D&D master. | I treated Abby to a fun Japanese ramen lunch after she took her AP test. She was so thrilled. | Emma received an Academic Award in Orchestra during the Soaring Eagles Senior Celebration. She was the first of our kids to get an academic award given by one of the departments at her school. | I have been catching up with Peter’s mission album and finally printed out all the pages I had finished. | At the senior awards assembly, Emma received her Magna Cum Laude medal. | Madeline loves to play with Belle and both of the girls had fun going back and forth between the houses. We don’t let her wander in the neighborhood without one of us, so Mike just followed them as they ran to Belle’s house. | Madeline loves her foxes and brings at least one of them when we travel. Even though we were only staying in Denver one night in preparation for Emma’s state meet, she still brought her favorite fox. | I ordered specialty BYU cupcakes for Emma’s senior group celebration. They turned out amazing. The girls displayed photos, awards and anything else that meant something to them during their high school years. They had a big turnout and even Michelle and her family were able to stop by for a little bit. | We always love stopping in at the Tesla store up in Denver when we are at the mall. This was the first time we were able to see the Cybertruck and the Tesla robot in person. I did get in the Cybertruck to see what it was like. It was definitely too big of a car for me. | Mike is always taking random photos of me. This time we were just standing in line at Panera waiting to get our food. | Madeline joined the Kokopelli run club for their summer program, and it was so cute to see her warming up with Emma for a little bit. I made sure to get a photo of them after practice. | May is so fun because we get warm, sunny days and everything is turning green again. In the mountains we still get snow. Pikes Peak looked amazing after a snow storm up on the mountains. | Madeline met her first friend named Charlotte at Kokopelli. | Abby has been having fun painting again. Her latest creation was painting a mountain scape on a lid. It was pretty incredible. | Mike and I finally got new bedding, and Madeline has loved hanging out on our bed more before bedtime. | Madeline was awarded the Panda award in her classroom for having a positive attitude in class all year. | Mike bought a Blackstone grill to replace our old grill and has been having so much fun cooking on it. His latest creation is making friend rice on there. | Abby got a new little black dress, and it looked absolutely stunning on her. | We got to see the Thunderbirds out practicing in the skies before the Air Force Academy graduation. | Mike’s surgery center finally had their open house and we each got to try out the Davinci robot.
I have enjoyed my twice a month visits to the temple. It’s been such a good thing for me to come to the temple more often. | Madeline loved going to the Olympic Training Center for Activity Days and watching the girl wrestlers. They put on a fun match for the girls and even gave the girls some one-on-one attention. | I love General Conference for the talks that I get to study for the many months after. I do struggle to stay focused for all of the sessions so taking notes does help me. | Everyone had fun looking at the solar eclipse. Mike’s staff took the funniest photo of him and then made that photo into a sticker and gave it to him. It He put it on his water bottle, and I just chuckle every time I see it. | Emma’s t-shirt quilt finally got quilted. I love the way it turned out. | Someone took a photo of me and Emma after church one Sunday. Our outfits were fitting for the spring weather. | I volunteered to take group photos of Emma and some of the other girls in our ward who were also graduating and heading to BYU. Since they would all be doing a grad party together we thought it would be fun to have a group photo of the girls. | Madeline made a charm bracelet at Activity Days with all of her friends. They turned out so well. | Madeline loves going on walks after dinner and now that the weather has been warmer, she loves eating ice-cream on those walks. | Mike is so good at what he does. In and out of the operating room he shines! | Madeline went to a gymnastics gym for a birthday party and had so much fun swinging from the ropes. | Abby played in the Acoustic Café at the high school and performed Vienna by Billy Joel. She is so incredibly talented. | The tulips at the temple were in full bloom this month. I wish I could get tulips to grow like that at my house. | Madeline has really improved in the cello this year. She finally moved to the next size cello. | Our view of Pikes Peak from our house is always amazing. On this particular afternoon the moon was right above the tip of Pike’s Peak. | There was a big snow storm coming in as we left one of Emma’s track meets in Parker. By the time we got home Mike’s car looked like it had been through a blizzard. | Andrew sent me a box of Japanese treats for my birthday. It was a nice addition to the fun things Mike got for me at Evereve. | Abby has been getting in her hours for driving and has taken advantage of some of the snowier days to get in experience driving in the snow. | Madeline is still taking private swim lessons, and she loves her instructor Ms. Natalia. She has rapidly improved so far this year.
Mike and I left for the weekend to San Diego so he could attend a work conference, and I could relax in the sun and run at sea level. We left out of one of the newer concourses in Denver and they had outdoor seating which was super fun and different! | We got to talk with Peter on our drive home from the airport. He looked so happy while he was drinking a fruit smoothie! | I’ve been working on Emma’s t-shirt quilt for graduation and finally laid everything out so I could see what it would look like. | Madeline did a great job at this year’s cello festival and earned a superior rating again. She was way more confident this year and it was such a joy to watch her play. | Emma went to Mormon Prom with some of her girlfriends this year. I was able to get some cute photos of her and Avery. | Madeline doesn’t mind tagging along when the older girls go shopping as long as she be silly laying on the couches in the dressing room. | Since it was a beautiful evening and relatively warm, Mike and I headed out on a bike ride with Madeline up into Cordera. | We enjoyed being able to see Madeline perform in her music and art night. We went around after the concert and looked at her artwork and took some funny photos with the boards they had spread through the school. | Abby and Madeline took advantage of all the snow in the backyard and played for hours. They were even able to slide down the steps because of how much snow was on there. | After snowshoeing at Garden of the Gods with Mike, we headed to a French patisserie for breakfast. | Abby and Mike went to see CATS in a small production put on by students at UCCS. They were so amazed at how awesome it was. | I finally finished sewing the top to Emma’s t-shirt quilt.
Emma and I went back to the same dress store to find another prom dress for this year. She saw one online but when we went to the store they didn’t have the dress. After rummaging through all the dresses in her size I found the perfect dress. It turns out it was the same dress she had seen online but in a different color. | Madeline had fun taking care of Emma’s Sam Wise Potato project. | Emma and I visited CSU to tour the campus and the cross-country team. | It’s always amazing to me how some holiday cards arrive at the end of January. Those barely made the wall before I took them all down. | Madeline had fun at her first Activity Day girls’ activity. | Emma’s room is always a mess and we usually just shut the door. One evening while Emma was out of town Mike decided to help her and clean up her room. | Mike took Madeline to the field by the elementary school to go sledding after a big snowstorm. She had so much fun. | Madeline and I had fun putting together her Valentines box this year. We made a hot air balloon. Then she put together her Valentines for her classmates with a little help from Mike. | Madeline loved getting her Valentine card and $5 from Grandma this year. This year she could read the card and after she said, “That was so sweet.” | I finally caught up with Peter's Mission album. He is going to love it! | Madeline and I went to Scheels one night and played video games and rollerball and had the best time. | Emma voted for the first time. | Madeline did her diorama project on Jellyfish, and I was able to go into the classroom and see her project. | Mike took Madeline and Easton to John Venezia park to play and have fun on the wheel of humanity. | We love talking with Peter on Sunday evenings and love it when Andrew pops on the conversation too. It’s fun to have the family all together for just a little bit every week. | I started working on Emma’s t-shirt quilt and laid out the first draft of the different rows of the quilt.
Madeline has really loved playing with her new American Girl dolls and loved dressing up her doll in one of the new outfits she got for Christmas. Madeline loves skiing and was excited for her doll to get all ready to go skiing. | Madeline went roller skating for the first time during one of her classmate’s birthday parties. She used the rolling walker to help her and by the end of the party she had really gotten the hang of the skates. | I love shopping and sometimes I just want new clothes for church but sometimes all I need is a refresh by putting together new outfits with the clothes and shoes I already have in my closet. | The lettuce we planted in our home garden finally started sprouting. It made us all extremely excited. | Mike did his 2-week reserve duty in DC again. He enjoyed reviewing medical policy and working out in the amazing military gym. | Mike was able to visit with his dad while out in the DC area. He enjoyed looking through all of his dad’s old military uniforms and looking through old photos on the bookshelves. | One morning Madeline put on my University of Utah sweatshirt and told me how proud the boys would be to see her in that sweatshirt. | Mike took Madeline out for a special day to get pampered. Madeline always loves to get her nails painted. | My new MacBook Pro finally came in the mail. I am so excited for a more powerful computer. | Our lettuce is finally growing, and we are so excited to finally start eating fresh lettuce grown in our home. | Miss Colorado came to the elementary school and visited each of the classrooms. Madeline was so excited when she came to her classroom, and they got a photo with her. | Madeline has loved going to the activity day activities and she especially loved making hot cocoa chocolate bombs. | Madeline wrote Peter the cutest letter to put in his birthday box. She is so excited for him to come home and baptize her.
Our mini Aerogarden has been growing surprisingly well. We have already used some of the basil and it is amazing how delicious fresh basil is. | This year I decided to update our color scheme for our Christmas decorating. I took all the red pillows to the basement and got some green pillows, a fun new Christmas lumbar pillow, a cream tree skirt, and a new star. I love the way it turned out. | Emma decided to be silly one night and painted her face to look like Darth Maul and put together a red light saber and then went upstairs to scare Abby. It was hilarious. | Our elves have been found doing funny things this year. | Abby and Mike went shopping for a new ski coat for Abby and found the perfect burnt red coat for her. | Madeline has loved learning how to make bracelets for her friends. She made a big 6-sided bracelet as her first one. It took quite a bit of time to make. | Mike found a new recipe and made Italian style margherita pizzas and they were yummy. | Madeline loves to scooter around in the garage when Mike and I are lifting weights. | Emma’s winter orchestra concert was amazing. I loved watching her as she sat on the end of one row almost the entire time. | Madeline and mom had fun eating ice-cream while watching the Goldbergs together. | Abby found one of my retro camera bags my dad had passed down to me and has been using it. Some things never go out of style I guess. | Mike and Madeline headed over to the elementary school hill to go sledding. | Emma got her first college acceptance to CSU in Ft. Collins. | With the season comes the baking of many loaves of poppyseed bread to give away to our friends and neighbors. This year I made 5 batches. | Madeline and I headed over to Bass Pro Shop so that she could meet Santa and tell him what she wanted for Christmas. She was so excited to tell Santa that she wanted the pink American Girl Doll car. | Madeline had fun at her class holiday party. The room moms did such a great job with the rotations and the games. | I went out to a holiday dinner with some girls from my ward. Jen brought everyone fun reindeer headbands to wear. | Madeline loves to go shopping and usually goes with Mike to Costco. | Abby went to Noelle’s sweet 16 pajama party. Most of the girls were cheerleaders but she still had a great time. | Usually, it’s Peter that falls asleep on road trips but this time it was Abby who fell asleep hard core on our way to Vail. | Madeline’s wooden name finally arrived, and it looked so good on her wall. | Madeline finally got her haircut after a year of it growing way too long. We had them cut several inches off. | It was fun to see the boys and extended family on Christmas via FB messenger video. Technology is amazing. | I love when Mike sends me photos of him in the OR before he operates. He is such a bad ass. | Madeline loves all things crafty and artsy. She has been having fun lately painting on her easel. | The Spears came to visit us for the New Year and Mike took them all to Garden of the Gods and to the top of Pikes Peak.
Madeline has been playing cello for over a year now and is still loving it. | With the new fiber optic cable install in the city, we are one of many homes that had damage to our property. They finally came and replaced our cracked driveway. | We enjoyed going to Emma's XC Banquet and hearing all the amazing things that were said about her and the awesome season that she had. | Mike had his first experience with kidney stones, and it was truly awful. Madeline wrote him the sweetest little note as we were leaving for the hospital. | We love talking to Peter on Sundays. It is usually the highlight of my week. | The cabinets for the basement closet finally arrived. | Madeline's new big girl bed arrived, and I had fun putting all of her stuffies in the trundle. | We started putting together the cabinets for the basement and it has been quite the project. | Mike made homemade pasta noodles and sauce and it was out of this world delicious. He even used the basil from our AeroGarden for the sauce. The AeroGarden has been one of the best purchases we have made lately.
We had the craziest hail storm today and it left a bunch of hail pieces on the top of Emma's car. | Mike and I enjoyed an afternoon together at the Denver LDS temple. | After 7 years of using the Fenix 5S watch for all of my running and getting frustrated that it didn't hold a charge longer than 6 hours, I I finally splurged and got myself the upgraded Fenix 7S. This watch has been such a dream. | We were all saddened to see a war break out in Israel. | Abby played the guitar and sang at the Acoustic Cafe at the high school again this year. As always, she amazed us with her incredible talent. | I loved being able to take photos of Andrew and Alex while he proposed to her. | There was so much that went into packing for our Grand Canyon adventure. After laying everything out I wondered how I would fit it all in my little pack. | We love watching Emma play in the Advanced Orchestra at school. She is so talented. | After going out to dinner to celebrate our success in completing our Grand Canyon R2R2R adventure, Mike surprised me with a customized medal. | Madeline loves art projects but lately she has loved painting. | Mike has mastered how to make a good Ratatouille. It look so pretty in our new Le Creuset dishes. | I love a good fall sunset. We have the best view from the back of our house. | I went out to lunch with Dionne and Caryn to celebrate Caryn's birthday. I just love these friends of mine so much. | Madeline tried on the dirndl that we borrowed for Halloween and was so excited by it. | Mike raked up all the leaves in the backyard and let the girls jump and play in it. They had such a great time! | In preparation for Madeline's big girl bed I rearranged and organized Madeline's bedroom. It's amazing how moving things around and reorganizing can make the room look completely different. | Two days after a beautiful fall day of jumping in the leaves found us in the first snow storm of the season. For some reason we were actually excited by the snow and even played Christmas music to celebrate. | I finally discovered that by making my cookies into a mini version they were not only more delicious but there was more to share with everyone. This has become a hit in our house and I am requested to only make mini cookies from now on!
Madeline got her first real mountain bike a couple of days before her birthday. She was so excited that after we got home she wanted to go for a ride around the dirt loop behind our house. | After getting back from a long family bike ride up in Denver we came home and watched Goonies with the kids and ate curly fries. | I love it when we get a fantastic sunset. | Madeline and Mike crated the coolest train track with the GeoTracks down in the basement. | Madeline always wants to take selfies with me. | We finally found a fantastic PT for Emma and she spent the tail-end of her first session getting her legs dry needled. | Madeline started back up with cello lessons with our good friend, Emma Patterson. | One of Madeline's birthday gifts was a giant ramen squash mallow. It was so cute! | During one of Abby's drives she learned how to pump gas into the car. | Madeline loves going to the playground and her favorite place is probably Black Forest Park. | Abby passed down the panda onesie to Madeline and she wears it almost every day. | I went to pick up my packet for the Ascent and took a photo of the elevation that I would be running to the next day. It was both exciting and daunting. | After the Ascent Mike made me a fantastic lunch of meat, potatoes, carrots, and fruit. It was the perfect recovery meal. | Emma was highlighted on the Pine Creek website for her outstanding performance at the Liberty Bell meet. | I finally got new biking sunglasses from Smith, and they look awesome. | One of Madeline's favorite things to do is go to Scheels and play the car game. She finally came in first place. | We headed out on another bike ride with Madeline on the dirt trail near our house. She loves her new bike. | One of the best parts of the fall is roasting marshmallows under our gazebo and watching the sunset. | It was so cute watching Madeline during the primary program at church. | Mike makes the best crustless quiche dinner. | I took some headshots of Abby for her upcoming auditions. Madeline and Grandma Anne had loads of fun doing puzzles while Mike and I were in Switzerland. | I had such a bad reaction to whatever stung my toe in Lucerne. It was so red and so swollen that I ended up having to be put on antibiotics. | Mike has loved having his new truck and he loves the self-drive mode. We even tried to see if Andrew would fit in the frunk. | Andrew and I had fun bowling at the Summit while he was visiting. Then we headed to Costco to get him a hot dog. | Madeline loved playing video games with Andrew while he was visiting. | I love pulling up photos on my phone and seeing the cute selfies that Madeline takes of herself. | Abby and Emma went to the high school to paint Emma’s senior year parking spot. It turned out different than what they originally planned to do but it still looked amazing. | Everyone loves my homemade bread and so every week I keep making it. | Madeline jumps at every opportunity to go to Scheels to see the animals and play the car game. She gets so excited when she wins. | I went to Castle Rock to have lunch with Michelle and Karen. It was so nice to be able to catch up. | We are an EV family now. It was comical to see both of our cars side by side and get excited by the fact that neither one of us ever has to go to a gas station again. | I loved being able to go to the temple with Vicki. She has become one of my really good friends. | Madeline has really loved riding bikes in the evening after dinner. We usually head around the block on the sidewalk but one particular evening we rode all the way to the gravel trail. | I love when Mike sends me photos before he heads into the OR. He is such a badass. Madeline’s favorite place to eat for lunch is Panera Bread. You would think that she would love the macaroni and cheese like Abby when she was younger. Wrong. She loves the chicken broccoli soup. | Abby was so excited to get her learner’s permit. Luckily the DMV trip to get her permit didn’t take very long thanks to the appointment system they have now. | The older girls were really excited to give Mike a delayed birthday gift of a unicorn shirt and fanny pack just like the Rock wore in the movie Central Intelligence. | Madeline has loved two things of late – sitting with the hot pad and playing the Nintendo Switch. | Mike and I headed up to Buckley Air Force Base to sit in on the change of command ceremony for our neighbor Amanda. | It seems like every day this month is a good day to head to the pool. | Madeline loved snuggling up to all my pillows while I was in the process of washing all of my bedding. | Mike works hard and on one particular day in the OR they had him scheduled so tight it was ridiculous. | Madeline loves to play at any park, but it was a real treat to play at the MVP park after a little run there to watch Emma run with Kokopelli. | Summer evenings sometimes call for a stop at Baskin Robbins for a little ice-cream. | We finally got rid of our broken trampoline and had some guys come over and replace the pea gravel with new sod. It looks so good already. | With the destruction of Emma’s RAV4, we headed to the dealership in hopes to find Emma another car to drive. We walked away with a brand-new electric truck for Mike. The Ford F150 Lightening is probably one of the coolest cars we have driven. It was miles ahead of the Rivian we test drove in functionality and comfort. | Abby had her first few drives this month. We headed to the church parking lot for our first two sessions. | We love talking to Peter on Sundays. You know it’s a chill Sunday when we can actually sit on the couch and talk to him via the computer.
One of our favorite restaurants in Denver this past year has been the Mercantile in the Old Post Office building. The food is so good and unique, and the restaurant never is all that crowded or loud. It checks all the boxes. | Mike and I loved spending time in Denver during one of their summer music festivals. | Emma joined the Coronado boys and coach Lisa to an away meet in Nebraska to run the 1600m one last time for the season. | Madeline has been fascinated with worms and always seems to find them whenever we go out walking. | It is always such a treat when I get to go eat lunch with my favorite running friends. We celebrated Dionne’s birthday this time. | Madeline always asks to go and get ice-cream at Lulus. She was so excited when we finally made the time to take her there. | It is always such a treat to have Madeline as my little buddy. She went in for her eye appointment today and was all smiles and not nervous at all. | Madeline loves to go anywhere with me, even the grocery store. One of her favorite things is to collect the fruit and put them in the bags. | Abby and Emma had fun playing volleyball and other outdoor games at the Murdocks for the combined youth night. | Madeline and Easton spent the afternoon eating at Wendy’s and then heading to the Space Museum. That museum has become one of Madeline’s favorite places to visit. | It’s a rare occurrence when I am found with my hair in a ponytail. My hair is finally long enough to pull it all back. | Madeline finds joy in all the toys we’ve saved from the older kids. She even loves the cars. She and Emma put together some of the tracks and had fun shooting the cars through the obstacle course. | Every once in a while we get lucky and see a double rainbow. | Abby does such a great job babysitting Madeline when Mike and I go out together. They watched a movie together on my bed with lots and lots of stuffies. | We met up with some friends from our Japan days. It was nice to catch up with the Shupes while they were in town visiting. | Mike has loved playing the new Legend of Zelda game on the switch. Many evenings are spent watching him decompress from his day while playing this game. | Madeline was able to join Easton at Lifetime for some swimming. She loved being able to go somewhere else other than the club that she usually swims at. | Madeline has the longest lashes ever. Sometimes the random photos on my phone that she takes of herself are my favorite. | It’s always a good day when Madeline gets to go to Scheels with Mike and play games and ride the Ferris wheel. | Abby figured out how to do bubble braids on Madeline’s hair. It has now become one of our favorite hairstyles to do on Madeline’s hair. | We got a surprise call from Peter not on his p-day. It turns out he was in the hospital. All was ok and he still was in good spirits. | Many Sunday afternoons are spent at the park with Madeline. Her favorite park lately has been Black Forest Regional Park. | Somehow Madeline snuck her way back to Scheels to play the car game with me. | Mike always gets complemented on his awesome calves. It has become quite the topic of conversation as of late in the OR. | This summer Madeline has become good at going down the waterslide at the club all by herself. It is so fun to watch her try new things. | I love it when the girls can be fun and creative when washing the dishes. They finished up by giving themselves soap beards. | I was able to sneak away one day and head to the temple with my friend Emily. | Abby got home from girls camp on her birthday. Mike picked up a cake and we had fun celebrating with her. | Emma finally made it home safely after almost 3 weeks in Jerusalem.
Mike had a colleague that went to Japan and brought us back some of our favorite Japanese treats. | Mike finally got the new special edition Legend of Zelda Nintendo Switch. | We went to the elementary school with Madeline on the 1st grade art night to see some of her artwork. She had fun posing with the different canvas paintings. We even saw Mrs. Taylor who had both Emma and Abby in her class for 2nd grade. | Abby was inducted into the International Thespian Society. | We all love tonkatsu night. It is probably one of our favorite meals. | When Andrew and Alex came to visit we ate smores and talked out by the firepit. | Abby had so much fun at McKenzie’s quinsañera. | Madeline got her first pair of Athleta leggings, and she loved them. | We found the Nutella cookies that we loved from our Italy trip. Who would have thought that King Soopers would have them? | We all enjoyed going to Emma’s orchestra concert. She has really become a fabulous violinist. | Abby had a blast at her theatre party! | We all love Sundays because we get to nap. | Mike’s homemade deep-dish pizza is simply the tastiest and we feel lucky when he makes it for us. | Madeline and I had fun playing ice-cream shop one evening before bedtime. We took turns ordering our many scoops of ice-cream. | I got some new road shoes from TOPO, and I have absolutely loved them. They are quick and light, yet still supportive. | Abby has been hanging out with a small group of people at lunchtime in her counselor’s office. It has been really good for her. | Sometimes when church is boring you have to find ways to keep Madeline entertained. This particular Sunday called for putty mustaches. | Mike and I went up to Harrison's senior piano concert. It was fun to see so much talent and to connect with both the Harrison and Watabe families. | Madeline and Mike are always making goofy faces in the phone. | It was fun to hear all the amazing things that the coaches said about Emma’s track season. She had really great support this season by some of the coaches. | We test drove the Rivian and decided it wasn’t that great of a car. They definitely need to spend more time perfecting some of its features. | One of the girl’s favorite stores is Altard State. Abby found a cute shirt there which is amazing because she doesn’t find clothes she loves very often. | Swimming at Flying Horse is one of our favorite family activities during the summer! Madeline loves stealing Mike’s phone and takings dozens of silly selfies with him. | Cooking is not one of my favorite activities, but I do it anyways. Easter Sunday is always a time I don’t mind cooking. | Emma is constantly elevating her legs to promote recovery from her hard workouts. It has become quite comical to see her positioned all over the house. | Madeline loves to have playdates with Easton. She got to spend extra long with Easton doing projects and eating pizza while I was at Emma’s track meet in Denver. | Madeline has taken over the role of puzzle master in the house. She is quite good at puzzles just like her brother Peter was at her age. | Madeline loves to read books at night. Her favorite books lately are the LOVE book her grandma gave her and the Gabby’s Dollhouse sprinkle book she got for Easter. | I was definitely spoiled for my birthday this year. I loved opening up the little bag of treasures and homemade card from Madeline and receiving the one-of-a-kind painting of white peaches by Abby. I was floored when I opened present after present of new camera gear. I got three brand new mirrorless lenses to go with my new mirrorless camera. Wow! | I have enjoyed being in YW with Abby and our many fun activities together. The girls especially liked the movie night where we watched Megamind. | Madeline’s favorite game to play lately is Pop to the Shops. | Mike took advantage of a no work day to hike the Incline. | You know the winter is almost over when we get random warm days where it is actually warm enough to head to the pool at the club. | We treated Emma to getting her makeup and hair done before HS Prom this year. She looked so beautiful. | Abby had fun hanging out with her friends at the ES playground one afternoon.
It was Dr. Seuss week and Madeline dressed up as Lucy Lou and she was adorable in her cute dress and crazy hairdo. | I have been working on the kid’s school albums and have loved seeing their old artwork and writings. It is a lot of work to scan everything into the computer, but it will worth it. | Mike was having a rough day in the clinic and so his support staff went out and bought him chips and lots of different salsas. | We have been trying really hard to have fruits and vegetables prepped for the kids every week. It’s amazing how quickly it gets eaten up. | After rummaging through old school memorabilia, Mike found my old Walkman and after trying to get it to work, he decided to get online and order a new one. The girls were in heaven listening to our old mix tapes. | One of our favorite places to eat is Cowboy Star. Mike loves getting the scallops when we are there. My go to is definitely the filet mignon. | While Andrew was visiting during his spring break we headed up to the Denver LDS temple to do a session. It was really nice to be in the temple with Andrew. | Emma went to the Sadie’s dance with her friend Rya. The theme was the 70s. The girls and I had loads of fun picking out their outfits. | When we get those random warm days, the first thing Madeline asks is if she can go to the pool at Flying Horse. Mike is always happy to take her and go sit in the hot tub. | Abby spent a lot of time on her project about women’s rights and I loved how she displayed everything on her board. She really is quite the crafty one. | Abby went to see "In the Heights" for one of her classes and really loved it!
We love watching Peter’s air tag on his mission to see where he is. It was especially fun on this particular day when we realized that he was being transferred up north to the island of Samar. | Abby is such an amazing big sister to Madeline. After being gone at Emma’s track meet, I came home to a tea party that Abby put on for Madeline. Even Abby dressed up which was so sweet! | For the 100th day of school Madeline wanted to dress up as a 100-year-old. I pulled out the wig, glasses and pearls and we put together something so hilarious. She was so excited to show her friends at school. | Madeline had fun assembling her milkshake valentine cards this year. It was quite a bit of work to punch everything out, but she had a blast creating fun paper milkshakes for her classmates and attaching a cute curly straw to each one. | Mike out did himself for Valentine’s Day this year. I came back from my early morning run to flower petals and chocolates on my bed with a dinner invitation. He did the same for all of the girls. He took charge of serving us dinner in the dining room and made us all feel so special. It’s a Valentine’s Day we will all remember! | Stephens hot chocolate has been out of stock forever at our store and so when I saw it had finally come back in stock, I grabbed 3 cans. There really is no other hot chocolate that tastes quite as good. | It was so fun to be back in the temple again and even better to share that time with Michelle. | Emma and Abby went to an 80s dance at the high school. I let Emma borrow my letter jacket and Abby quickly came up with the most perfect outfit, big earrings, and all. The girls looked cute and had a blast. | Emma and I went prom dress shopping and had so much fun at Something New. The dresses in this store are definitely on the pricey side, but we managed to find one that was manageable. It was the most perfect dress for her figure, so we went halfsies on the dress. It was a win win for everyone! | Emma was asked to Mormon prom by her good friend Collin Bass. He was so cute when he came over to ask her. They have been good friends all school year so I knew that they would have a good time. | Madeline wasn’t feeling well so she just laid on the kitchen chairs while I cooked dinner. | Mike and I were able to go to the temple together this month. This was his first time seeing the new Endowment session. Afterwards we headed over to The White Chocolate Grill to eat dinner. We shared the veggie burger which is amazing and had fun chatting without the kids around. | Peter’s missionary plaque was finally finished and put up on the missionary wall at church. I just love the way it turned out. | I usually shy away from dinners that involve lots of cheese since Emma and I don’t tolerate it very well, but I was able to modify the shells recipe to include one batch with lactaid cottage cheese. The other batch included ricotta cheese and parmesan for the top. This has now become a family favorite again. | For Dr. Seuss week Madeline was so excited to dress up like Cindy Lou. We found something in her closet that worked, and I did a crazy hairstyle that involved a small cup and lots of hairspray. I thought it turned out super cute.
The snow is never ending here and just when I think I’ve had enough I look out the window and witness the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets over a white covered land. It may not be ideal to always have snow but sometimes it is a beautiful reminder that even in winter things can be magnificent. | This year we have to use our own bags at the grocery store or pay 10c for the store plastic bags. I decided to just buy 5 of my own reusable bags and was pleasantly surprised when all of my groceries fit in all five without any problems. | I’m always amazed by Abby’s beauty. She asked me to take her photo one morning for her audition paperwork for the HS musical. | Madeline always likes to be the first one on the bus in the mornings. She and her friend Easton are usually the first ones to line up for the bus. | It’s been a while since I’ve made ricotta filled shells for dinner. I used dairy free cottage cheese for Emma’s shells and ricotta for the rest and they turned out really well. | For the combined youth activity tonight, we had a Bob Ross night and each of the kids learned how to paint their own Bob Ross painting. | Madeline and Easton loved eating the Mickey Mouse ice-creams that I got for them during one of their Friday playdates. | Madeline has been doing so well on her recent spelling tests. Some of the words they have to spell are pretty difficult for a first grader. | Madeline has become quite the good reader. She found her Humphrey book that we started last year and tried reading some of the sentences all by herself during dinner one night. | With all the exercising I have been doing I have found that doing compression with the Normatec has really helped me with my recovery. | Madeline got new pink snow boots and was so excited to wear them to school for the first time. | After a weekend of not feeling well, Madeline stayed home from school and watched TV all day in my bed. When I told her she should take a nap, she wasn’t too happy about it. I told her I was going to take a nap on the couch, so she got her blanket and before long she was fast asleep. | For our super combined youth activity, we went to the Planetarium at the AFA. We all had such a good time. I love our Class 2 girls. They are so fun and hilarious! | Mike and I made ratatouille for dinner, and it turned out so well. All of the girls loved it including Madeline. | Abby was cast in the high school musical Bye Bye Birdie as Randolph, and she is beyond excited for this new venture. She loves theater and her theatre friends.
Mike took Madeline to go and get her nails done at the salon and she was in heaven. There is nothing better than special daddy time. | Emma had both an Orchestra concert and a Jazz Band concert. She got to play with Ron Carter for her Jazz concert. He came to their high school to do a clinic with the kids. | Mike bought Madeline some new squishmallows at Costco and she came home and immediately lined all of them up with her other ones. It was so cute watching her play with all of them. | Emma is constantly borrowing my really good hair dryer and my flat iron. It was time for me to get an upgrade and to pass on my hair stuff to Emma. I choose the gold colored GHD linen this time. That way no one will confuse my stuff with their stuff. | I just love where we put the Christmas tree this year. At night when all the lights are off and the sun is going down, the lights on the tree just make the room look so magical. | My mom made some amazing Christmas placemats and Madeline loved being able to open that gift early. We can't wait to use them. | Mike always makes the best Sunday lunches for me. One of my favorites is when he grills tuna steak. I have yet to figure out how to do this one myself without messing it up. | We have already gotten more snow than we care to have and it's only December. | Madeline's cute friend Easton gave her a Christmas present and in the gift was a Barbie Doll. First thing she said to us was, "How did he know that I wanted a Barbie Doll?" | Madeline's hair was getting way too long. Instead of paying someone to cut a few inches off the end I decided to invest in some good shears and do it myself. I straightened her hair first and then chopped it. It was more difficult than I thought it would be. but it turned out well. | I put together 2 boxes to ship via boat for Peter so that he would have something fun for his birthday in
April. There is this amazing lady that ships out packages to all the missions in the Philippines. | We had the missionaries over for dinner and shared with them a Japanese style meal and they loved it. | I love being able to video chat with Peter every Sunday. I am getting better at taking quick snapshots of our chat but sometimes all of the extra stuff gets displayed. Oh well. | I love getting Christmas cards from family and friends and we found a new spot to display those this year. We keep them up until January 1 and then we take them all down, along with Christmas! BOYS SPRING BREAK MARCH 5-12, 2022 It was so much fun to have the boys home for a week during their spring break. It was a little chaotic at the house since we were right in the middle of our home renovations, but we did our best to have fun around the chaos. The boys played Smash Bros in the basement, took care of necessary appointments, helped Emma with her German cooking project, were thrilled when mom treated everyone to Chick-fil-A, went to Scheels to ride the Ferris wheel and play the dinosaur game with Madeline, and spent time playing with Madeline at the park. It was a super chill week and a good time for the boys to reset before heading back to finish out their semester. SICK LITTLE MADELINE MARCH 12, 2022 It's rare when Madeline comes into my room because she isn't feeling well. I decided it would be best to just bring her mattress and lay it on the floor next to my bed for the night. Poor little thing sure didn't feel well for a few days. HEALTHY LUNCH MARCH 13, 2022 I love it when Mike is in charge of lunch on Sundays. He usually comes up with the yummiest and healthiest lunches. I especially love it when he makes grilled tuna steaks and pairs that with a yummy salad. MIRACLE CAR MANEUVERS MARCH 14, 2022 In the middle of our home renovations, the minivan got boxed into the garage and for some reason we couldn't find the Rav4 keys to move the car and back out the minivan. So, Mike used his superpowers and did some amazing backwards angling and was able to get the minivan out. The tire marks on the driveway show how angeled he had to be to get the car out without hitting the Rav4. Mike is amazing!!! MADELINE'S ALL ABOUT ME PROJECT MARCH 15, 2022 Ever since our house has been flipped upside down, certain things have fallen through the cracks. One of them was this All About Me poster that Madeline and I were supposed to work on together over 2 weeks. Well, it got hidden under a pile of office stuff stashed in the basement while the office flooring was being done. When I did find it we had only 2 days to finish it. It was a lot of work to help her since I wanted her to do all the writing. She did an amazing job!!! STUDENT LED CONFERENCES MARCH 16, 2022 I love this student led conference that Madeline's teacher put together. Madeline and I went through different stations where we either worked on something together or she showed me what she had made or written. I especially like her little writing book. She even got to see one of her good friends, Max, while we were there. TRAVELING WITH MADELINE MARCH 17, 2022 I often hear parents talk about how they don't travel with their kids because it is just too hard. I have to admit that when we first started traveling with our kids it was hard. But, the more we did it, the better we became and now we have it pretty much nailed down. Madeline is the best little traveler. She is such a sweetie and pretty good when it comes to traveling. So grateful to be taking her to Hawaii for the first time. MY GO TO SALAD MARCH 26 2022 I try and follow and very specific diet when it comes to what I eat for lunch. I almost always choose a salad and have finally figured out what I like best. My go to salad usually involves a mix of greens (usually romaine), goat cheese, mix of pecan and craisins, either rotisserie chicken or pan seared tofu, poppyseed champagne vinaigrette dressing, Mexicali dip and a few mini naans. For me, this is the perfect lunch! WORKING THROUGH INJURIES MARCH 26, 2022 Emma has been working through some knee pain at the beginning of her track season. She has spent a lot of time at PT, cross-training on the bike, and working on her form and strengthening her hips and glutes. MADELINE'S LAST SWIM LESSON WITH MS. CAROLYN MARCH 31, 2022 Madeline has been swimming with Ms. Carolyn for the past 2 years. She has improved so much since swimming with her. Today was her last day with Carolyn and although we were both sad that she would not be teaching Madeline anymore, we were glad that Madeline finally got to a good point in her lessons. I will always remember how patient and loving Carolyn was with Madeline.
BIRTHDAY CARD FROM GRANDMA FEBRUARY 1, 2022 Grandma Anne always sends the sweetest birthday cards to the kids during their birthday. She usually includes cash according to how old they are. It is really the cutest! WORKING ON FAMILY ALBUMS FEBRUARY 2, 2022 I have been working hard to catch up on my 2020 family album. It feels good to be able to spend so much time doing what I love. THE MONTH OF ENDLESS SNOW FEBRUARY 3, 2022 This is the month of endless snow. It's only February and I am already over all of the snow. GETTING OUR NAILS DONE FEBRUARY 5, 2022 Madeline loves to get her nails painted and always begs to come with me when I need to get my nails done. It was fun having her join me today for some nail pampering fun! SHOPPING WITH DAD FEBRUARY 5, 2022 Mike took the older girls up to Denver to do some shopping. The girls loved going into all the stores they loved, trying on different outfits for their super fun dad. TALKING WITH FRIENDS FEBRUARY 8, 2022 I loved watching Mike FaceTime with Adam who is stationed in Japan right now. They were so much fun to listen to. GET WELL FLOWERS FEBRUARY 9, 2022 Dionne brought me over some beautiful flowers to cheer me up while I was sick. It totally made my day! DRESSING UP AND HAVING FUN FEBRUARY 5-9, 2022 Whether it's putting on dress-ups or dressing up in a cute outfit, Madeline is always the life of the party. STONES, STONES AND MORE STONES FEBRUARY 11, 2022 I was finally able to get in and have a CT scan done to see if I had anymore stones that were causing me trouble. Luckily, they didn't see any stones but, it did show that I had recently passed a stone. FINISHING THE FIRST BOB BOOK SET FEBRUARY 12, 2022 We told Madeline that when she finished all the books in her first Bob Book set that she would get a surprise. She decided that she wanted her first magna tile set, and it did not disappoint. ORGANIZING THE OFFICE AND THE SCHOOL ALBUMS FEBRUARY 13, 2022 It's been a labor of love and money trying to organize and update all of the school albums in the office. I found an entire bin full of the older kids artwork from various years and went to work taking photos and scanning them all into my computer. Then I updated everyone's school albums to be more uniform and colors they wouldn't mind having in their homes someday. I have 5 albums for each child (1 baby and 4 school years), but I am finding that I may have to order one more for each of the kids. We will see! SCHEELS ADVENTURES FEBRUARY 19, 2022 One of Madeline's favorite places to go is Scheels! She loves the real life-sized stuffed animals and the dinosaur video game. She asks to go to Scheels almost every weekend. COLLEGE boys |
May 2024