This month Madeline got her first boo boo. She was bending down to pick up her blanket in front of the coffee table and she didn’t judge how close she was to the table and wacked her forehead on the edge of the table on the way down. Luckily she didn’t break any skin. She had a pretty nasty bruise there for about a week.
Madeline has a few new words this month. She can say milk (mil), banana (nana), baby (ba ba) and Emma. Madeline has new sounds as well. She says be be be when she is pushing the buttons on her phone or saying the beep beep beep sound from the Wheels on the Bus song. She is really good at saying all done (all duh) and puts her hands out after she eats when she is finished. It is the cutest thing ever. Madeline loves to say mum, mum until I acknowledge her and say yes. Then she proceeds to talk to me in her baby talk. It is so funny.
Madeline has started transitioning from two naps to one nap a day. Sometimes I get lucky and she will take a morning and afternoon nap. She still sleeps on her tummy with her butt in the air and she loves to sleep with one of her favorite pink blankets. She still can’t say blanket but instead calls her blanket her bop. When she is tired she sucks her thumb and then twirls the corner of her blanket around her other thumb.
Madeline has tried a few new foods this month such as mini nilla wafers, ritz crackers, garlic chicken farfalle, yakisoba, and popsicles. She liked all of them except for the popsicle, which was a bit too cold for her. She didn’t care for it. She still loves to eat yogurt, cheese, bananas, applesauce, sandwiches, scrambled eggs, and mini marshmallows.
Madeline just LOVES to watch The Little Einstein’s. She really likes to watch it on our iPads but will happily watch it in the car or on the TV in the basement. She will often dance with the music on the show and will even put her hands up and pat her legs when rocket is trying to lift off. She still loves to listen to music on our Amazon Echo Dot. She tries to say Alexa to turn it on but it comes out as Asa. She loves to dance to Peanut Butter Jelly time and can get pretty crazy with her dance moves. One time when she was dancing she tried to do the splits. It was so funny. When she is in the car she loves the music from the radio. When a song ends on the radio she does the sign for more and says more. She will also sway her head back and forth to the music.
Madeline’s latest favorite thing to do when she is in the family room is looking at all the family albums. She will go to the coffee table and grab the books and bring them to me so we can look at them together. If I am busy doing something else she will just sit on the floor and flip through the pages herself. She loves pointing to everyone and saying their names. She can say everyone except for Peter. We usually only get a “pe” out of her for his name. When she is not looking at the family albums she loves to play with her toys. She loves her baby doll, her bunny ears, all her pretend phones, necklaces, and purses. Madeline loves to read books. Her favorite book this month is, “My Truck is Stuck.” She still loves to read: Goodnight Moon, Little Bo Peep Can’t Get to Sleep, Goldilocks has Chickenpox, Brown Bear Brown Bear, and Polar Bear Polar Bear.