This was the first year we all could agree on a theme for Halloween. It was a Lord of the Rings Halloween this year. Abby was Queen Galadriel, Emma was Tauriel from the Hobbit, Peter was Legolas, Andrew was a Ringwraith, and I was Queen Arwen. Mike was really looking forward to being Gandalf but was out of town during our Halloween festivities the week before Halloween. The kids and I got dressed up and headed over to field behind our house for a mini photo shoot. I was so grateful for Emily who braided Emma's wig with some awesome braids. It would have taken me forever to do that. She also took our big group shot. The kids looked so good in their costumes and Andrew looked terrifyingly awesome in his Ringwraith mask. It was a bit chilly outside so I was quick in getting just a few photos of each of the kids in character. I loved Abby's sweet smile and Emma and Peter's serious poses but the best photo of the afternoon goes to Andrew who took my phone and said, "What's up Sauron." It was so funny we all died laughing. After our little photo shoot we headed over to our church's Trunk or Treat. We got so many compliments on all of our costumes. I was told that my costume was awesome, epic and I even got a "your mom's costume is dope" from Andrew's friends. Emma and Abby invited their good friends Ava and Akira to the Trunk or Treat. The girls loved hopping between the different booths and just being silly with their friends. They were so excited to go through the Haunted House this year put on by the teenage boys in our ward. I was surprised that Abby went through it. I guess that is what happens when all your friends are there to do it with you. The boys were in charge of manning one of the booths. Peter and his friend Dallin were in charge of the Wheel of Candy and Andrew helped out with the Twister Terror booth. Everyone had a great time at the party but the highlight was definitely getting as much candy as they could at the Trunk or Treat. I was just happy to get rid of all the candy in my bowl! On Halloween Day we got all decked out once again in our costumes and headed over to the Garlocks house where we ate pizza and hung out until it was time to go trick or treating. There are many parents I know who tell their young teenagers that they can't go trick or treating but I am not one of those parents. My boys know they are nearing the end of these trick or treating days and when they decide they are too old I will be good with that. Peter and Grant headed off on their own before heading to a teenage party. Andrew went trick or treating with his friend Chris and all the girls stayed together in our quiet little neighborhood. Our first stop was the candy reaper who always gives out full size candy bars. After that we had a fun surprise. Mike showed up and surprised the kids in his Sully costume from Monsters Inc. The girls loved that! It was such a fun night of trick or treating especially because the weather was pretty good. There were a few houses that scared Abby but we managed to make it around the entire neighborhood. There was a little candy eating later that night but the best was waking up to the kids sorting out all their candy on the kitchen table. There was SO MUCH candy it almost made my tummy hurt just looking at it. We all agreed, without too much arguing, that everyone could keep 15 pieces of candy seeing as they had already been eating candy the week before. Boy, it's good to be a kid!
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May 2024