After our little photo shoot we headed to the Trunk or Treat at the church building. Abby brought her good friend Anna and met up with her other buddies. Emma had so much fun hanging out with all her friends from both the Cordera and Pine Creek ward. Everyone thought Madeline was just SO CUTE. She really did steal the show with her cute 20's romper, headband, and pearls. Everyone had a great time, even Abby who came out of the haunted house crying because she got so scared.
Halloween day was pretty exciting. Madeline started walking and spent most of the day trying to become more confident in walking by herself. That night everyone seemed to go in different directions. Peter went with Josh and Emma met up with her friends at the Seaquist's home and went trick or treating in the Pine Creek neighborhoods. Abby stayed behind and went trick or treating in our neighborhood with Noelle and Natalie. Andrew graciously stayed behind for an hour to watch Madeline while I walked with Emma and her friends. Then Andrew took off to a party at his friend Brady's house. It was a night filled with lots of fun with friends and way too much candy.